School Supply List and Fees
The PTA supports several programs at Munford and we ask parents to pay part of the costs of these. The following are fees to support the school and PTA:
School Supply Fee: $45.00 - We ask parents to pay a one time $45.00 fee, and teachers will provide all the school supplies a child will need for the year. The only thing parents will need to purchase are a backpack, water bottle and any supplies need for homework. This greatly reduced waste and saves parents money and time and allows us to have high quality supplies for every child. If parents prefer to provide supplies instead of paying the fee, the school supply lists are below. The PTA supplements this fee.
Class Activity Fee: $10.00 - This fee covers the cost of classroom magazines like scholastic news, classroom rewards for students, special activities like the famous bird house building in 1st grade. The PTA supplements this fee to support the activities
Special Grade Level Activities: $30.00 - This is for grades 3 - 5 to cover part of the cost of the grade 3 Theater program, Grade 4 Minds in Motion and Grade 5 Dancing classrooms. The PTA covers over half the total cost of these programs.
Total Fees by grade
K - 2: $55.00
3 - 5: $85.00
Information about how to pay fees will be sent out in mid August. Parents will be able to pay by credit card, cash or check.
Mary Munford School Supplies
School Supply Lists by Grade (Note, this is a starter supply list and students may need to replenish during the school year.)
4 jumbo/giant size glue sticks
1 pack broad line markers- 10 count- Crayola preferred*
1 pack thin line markers- 10 count- Crayola preferred*
1 box crayons- 24 count- crayola preferred
2 composition books- wide ruled*
2 boxes pre-sharpened pencils- 12 count- Ticonderoga preferred
1 pencil box
1 box tissue
2 large pink erasers
1 set headphones*
1 pack of black thin line dry erase markers- 4 count- Expo preferred
1 dry erase eraser
1 container/pack disinfectant wipes
1 container hand sanitizer
1 backpack or book bag (no wheelie backpacks, please)*
1 water bottle with a spill proof lid- such as Camelbak*
1 Set of over the ear headphones.
Grade 1
8 glue sticks (recommended jumbo or giant size)
2 boxes 24 count crayons
2 boxes fine tip washable markers
2 boxes broad tip washable markers
2 glue bottles
2 boxes of #2 pencils
1 one inch binder
1 Pencil box
2 composition notebooks wide ruled
4 heavy duty plastic folders with pockets and prongs
2 large pink erasers
1 set of headphones. (child size)
2 boxes of facial tissue
1 pack of black dry erase markers
2 dry erase erasers
1 pair of blunt tip safety scissors
Ziploc bags (1 each - snack, sandwich, quart and gallon sized)
1 large bottle of hand sanitizer
1 pack of notecards
2 extra facemasks to keep at school
1 Backpack. (no wheels)
2 Disinfectant wipes containers/packs
1 Set of over the ear headphones.
Grade 2
Pencil box
Small Pencil box
1 inch durable binder (These need to have the sleeve in the front to label them.)
10 Crayola thin markers
10 Crayola thick markers
1 (2 pocket) paper folder
1 subject Notebook –
Wide Ruled (70 pages)
1 set of Avery Big Tab Insertable Dividers – 8 tab
24 Crayola colored pencils
Plastic Pocket folders
24 Crayola Crayons
5 pencil top erasers
Glue sticks – 1 set of 3 giant sticks
Ticonderoga pencils,
Pre-Sharpened 12 pack
2 Flair pens
2 Blue or Red pens
(BIC Round Stic Ballpoint Pens or Blue -- Papermate)
1 pack of lined white index cards
Box of Tissues
Hand Sanitize (with the pump)
1 box of Clorox Wipes
1 Set of over the ear headphones.
Grade 3
24 Ticonderoga No. 2 pencils
1 set of 10 Crayola Classic Colors markers
1 set of 24 Crayola colored pencils
2 Flair felt tip pens in different colors
1 highlighter
I pencil box (standard size - about 8 x 5 x 2)
4 two-pocket plastic folders without prongs
4 composition books
1 basic one-inch 3-ring binder
2 packs of 200 sheet loose-leaf paper
2 packs of 3x5 index cards
1 pad of 3 x 3 post-its
1 pair of scissors
1 ruler (12 inch/metric)
2 extra large or 6 regular Elmer’s School Glue Sticks
1 pair of durable earbuds (no mic needed)
2 large boxes of tissues
1 container of Clorox wipes
1 bottle of hand sanitizer
1 box of gallon ziploc bags (girls)
1 box of quart ziploc bags (boys)
1 box of sandwich or snack ziploc bags
1 Set of over the ear headphones.
Grade 4
pack of wide-ruled loose-leaf paper (1)
pack of graph paper (1)
composition books (four different colors: black, red, blue, green, or yellow) (4)
heavy plastic folder (1)
Pink Pearl (or similar) eraser (2)
yellow highlighter (2)
Dixon Ticonderoga Premium #2 pencils (48)
glue sticks (4)
pointed child scissors (1)
pack of 24 colored pencils (1)
large rectangular boxes of tissues (2)
bottles of hand-sanitizer (2)
hand-held pencil sharpener with canister (1)
pack of 10 Crayola markers (broad or thin) (1)
pencil pouch (1)
1 Set of over the ear headphones.
Grade 5
1 Expanding File with at least 12 pockets
(recommendation: PEN+GEAR 13-Pocket Letter Size Expanding File at Walmart)
1 pack of wide-ruled loose-leaf paper
24 Dixon Ticonderoga #2 pencils (no substitutes)
1 package of BIC mechanical pencils 0.7mm
1 glue stick
2 red pens
1 polymer eraser (Pentel makes a great one!)
1 pack of 12 colored pencils
1 pack of 10 thin markers
1 supply/pencil case
1 graph paper notebook (spiral-bound 8.5x11, not composition size)
2 composition notebooks
1 box of tissues
1 Set of over the ear headphones.