New Parent Information
Some Answers to parent questions that come up….
What happens after I register my child for school, and is there a Kindergarten Orientation? We do not have a formal orientation but provide lots of information about kindergarten readiness and school programs. We will send out a back to school letter in early August. We have an open house the Friday before school starts. Parents and children can meet the teacher, visit the classroom, sign up for PTA activities and tour the school. The PTA will host summer play dates on the playground for families, and we offer visits in the building or parents and children at these events. We also have a back-to-school concert and Picnic on the school grounds after school starts. In addition, we have a formal back to school night in late September for parents.
In mid-August, you will receive opening school information including the date of the open house, back to school concert, etc. We post class lists in the school lobby the week before school starts, and you can visit the school to get your child’s teacher assignment.
What is the official school day? The School Day is 7:45 – 2:45 (Dismissal begins at 2:35) Students can be dropped off as early as 7:35 and must be picked up by 2:55 each day.
When is a child considered tardy? The Tardy bell is at 8:00 (students who arrive after 8:00 must come to the office so we can change their absence to a tardy)
Is there an onsite before/aftercare program ? The YMCA offers an after school childcare program, but space is limited, and the program fills up very fast each year. There are some private childcare facilities that serve Munford with transportation provided by the provider.
We are taking a family vacation and my child will miss school…is this a problem? Missing than 10 days of school (excused or unexcused absences) is considered chronic absenteeism by Virginia, and an attendance meeting with the school social worker will be held to discuss attendance with the parents. Parents can request an excused absence for travel or other activities through the school principal, but parents are strongly encouraged to plan travel and vacations during non-school periods.
What School Supplies will my child need? We charge parents a one-time fee that covers all the school supplies your child will need during the year. You do NOT need to go shopping for supplies.
What’s for lunch? We offer Free Breakfast and Lunch for all students or students can bring a packed lunch. The lunch menu is posted on the RPS website.
How many students are in a class and how are classes set up? Class size average is 22 in grades K – 3 and 24 in grades 4 and 5. Our classes are a mix of all levels of students. We do not accept or consider parent requests for teachers. All of our teachers are highly qualified and will provide an excellent educational program for all students.
What happens if my child has academic problems? Munford offers a wide variety of instructional support including special education, gifted education, tutoring, and after school math and reading small group tutoring.
What kind of physical education and recess will my child have? Students have physical education with a certified P.E. teacher each week for 50 minutes. In addition, they get physical education and recess with the classroom teacher every day for 30 minutes. Munford participates in a national program called the Daily Mile, and we want all students to run or walk a mile every day.
How is discipline handled? Our focus on student discipline is Positive Behavior Support (PBIS) to encourage and teach expected behavior. We follow the guidance from the Student Code of Responsible Ethics – S.C.O.R.E) adopted by the Richmond School Board.
What about the Arts at Munford? Students have art and music each week for 50 minutes. The school offers band, strings, and Harp instruction for students in grades 4 – 5. Grade 3 has a theater program with Arts to All. Grade 4 has Minds in Motion with the Richmond Ballet. Grade 5 has Dancing Classrooms (Ballroom Dancing). The school also partners with Jam Inc, a local organization to bring high quality music performances to the school. The PTA offers after school enrichment activities that often include art related programs.
How does the school communicate with me? Information will be made available to you in the following ways:
The official Munford website:
Mary Munford Facebook Page (like us and request access)
The PTA Board website:
Monarch Message- An email newsletter put out by the PTA containing valuable information about upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, legislative initiatives, and more. Please take the time to read these each week!
Your Room Parent – At the beginning of the year, one room parent will be assigned to each class, that room parent will be an invaluable source of communication and information regarding classroom parties, field trips…you name it. Feel free to volunteer!
Munford Messages from Remind .
School Directory- There is a directory on PTboard that registered parents will have access to.
What are the Some of the PTA sponsored during the year? There are many school-wide and grade-specific activities, both during school and in the evenings, but here are some highlights. We depend on volunteers to help with the many PTA activities. Look for the exact dates coming in late August/early September.
· Boo-Hoo Breakfast (September): The event is just for you! A breakfast provided by the PTA for Kindergarten and new families on the first day of school. This provides a wonderful opportunity to meet fellow Munford parents and to be welcomed to the Munford community. Immediately after drop-off in the cafeteria.
· Back to School Concerts and Picnic (usually the first or second Sunday after school starts)
· Spooky Saturday (October): This is our biggest family fundraiser of the year and requires each class to provide many volunteers to make it happen. You do not want to miss it! Games, food, music, bounce houses galore!!
· Family Math Night - families come and enjoy challenging numbers and building games...all things Math!
· STEM Fair – A fun night of science and engineering activities
· Family Reading Night - kids come dressed as their favorite character from a book for a night of speakers, book swaps, games, and storytelling.
· Book Fair – We have one or two each year.
· Snowball Dance (January)- SCA-sponsored dance in the cafeteria
· Auction (March): Parent-only night at a location to be determined. Event includes food, beverages, entertainment, a silent auction, and a live auction…our biggest fundraiser!
· International Night - A cultural event featuring activities from different countries. Fun free event!
· Soccer – Spring and fall Season
Kindergarten orientation on link
For General information about Mary Munford School, click on the link below: